Neuromuscular Disorders

What are Neuromuscular Disorders?

Neuromuscular disorders are conditions that affect the voluntary muscles in the body. Approximately 5000 people in Scotland have a form of neuromuscular disorder. There are many different neuromuscular disorders, some of which are inherited and some can be acquired (for instance inflammatory or degenerative muscle conditions). The onset of a neuromuscular disorder can range from infancy through to late adult life. People with neuromuscular disorders experience differing patterns of weakness and rates of evolution.

What does our service offer?

The muscle service in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, is based at the Institute of Neurological Sciences, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow. The service provides diagnosis and management of muscle conditions. We apply various investigations including EMG, Muscle MRI, muscle biopsy and genetic testing where relevant. We have links with colleagues across Scotland through the Scottish Muscle Managed Clinical Network. We also have links with several UK research groups.

Consultant Neurologist:

Dr Maria Farrugia

Dr Katie Brennan

Specialist Muscle Care Advisor:

Ms W Stewart

Myotonic Dystrophy Service:

Dr A Wilcox

Specialist physiotherapist:

Ms Di Marco

We also have formal links with many others including paediatric services, respiratory physicians, cardiologists, rehabilitation services and other professionals allied to medicine through the network.