Referrals to Neurology

This section of the website is for clinicians and other health professionals.  If you are a patient and think you require a referral to our neurology service, please contact your GP to discuss your concerns.

If you are a GP or Hospital Clinician who wishes to refer a patient into the neurology service in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, this can be done via SCI Gateway. Please see the following Neurology Referral Guidance 2021 for Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Right Place, Right Time, Right Clinician

Please note that an appointment will be offered to a clinic at the neurology service only if clinically appropriate. The vetting of referrals is performed by an Enhanced Vetting (ACRT) panel of experienced neurologists.

The referral will be triaged and vetted following review with the following possible outcomes:

Advice back to referrer 

Appointment at a general neurology clinic

Appointment at a specialist clinic including headache, first seizure, epilepsy, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis and muscle disorders